Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Inner Sojourn

I will be writing about the events of our trip right after this, but I wanted to let you know what is going on in a more inward way. Not only are we having a wonderful time travelling, seeing beautiful country and spending time with the saints, we are also being touched in inward ways concerning our growth in the Lord. One of the main matters is flexibility. At a time in our lives when we are capable of growing older and more settled in our ways, the Lord has graciously unsettled us on this trip. Being in different parts of the country, eating different food, staying with a variety of people has caused us to be broadened at least a little. Like I stated briefly before, learning to be one with all the believers and caring for each one without preference is a tall order that only the Lord in us can fill.

In considering our future, not only do not want to be set, settled and occuplied, we don't want to be old, opinionated and narrow. Our desire is to follow the Lamb wherever He goes and to be useful to Him. And this is just the beginning of our sojourn-- one month this week.

We have experienced so much care from the believers along the way. Generous hearts, open homes and some pretty comfortable beds!! So many expressions of care: a bag of goodies for the trip, invitations to meals, the sweet young sister who bought me a loaf of Ezekiel bread when she found out that's what we eat, many invitations to stop in homes on our return, a restaurant gift card for a national chain, the free car wash, a cash gift -- so many expressions of love and support through the members of the Body. By having the saints minister to us in these practical ways it makes us more aware of how we can minister to others. Sometines we forget how memorable and meaningful small kindnesses can be.

I am sure there will be more reflections as we go along, so stayed tuned for "The Inner Journey."

1 comment:

CB said...

Dear Mama & Dad,
We are so proud of you that you are taking the lead to take the way of following the Lamb, the narrow path. Love you, mama.